If you're sure your computer meets the system requirements, then you have to consider the overall health of the computer. Keep in mind that the system requirements on the box are just bare minimums. Even a new computer may not meet the system requirements for your software, so that's a good place to start. Unfortunately, there are too many factors involved, and too many possibilities in regards to things that may be wrong. Since the new Windows 8 driver specifically works with Windows 8, and you are having problems with this O/S, there's probably just something simple that needs to be done, unless your computer itself has problems, and then you would have to clear those up first. I've been working with computers long enough to remember the days when things didn't just actually work instantly, and it seems you may have a similar issue. Sue, I think you should go to your local dealer.īring your computer, and have them troubleshoot the problem with Janome over the phone. We’ve conveniently linked to it right here: We’d love to hear how Janome software is working for you. Janome says, “Windows 8 users need to install a Windows 8 compatible dongle driver before installation of Janome Digitizer V4 software”. My original dongle broke for digitizer pro broke. Program and when I opened it again only the startup screen appear and then freeze the laptop. Janome Digitizer MBX Embroidery Software.

Janome Digitizer Software and Janome Artistic Software series for embroidery and sewing machines made to operate.